CTU Factory Training

CTU Factory Training Course outline

Camus Tech University (CTU) is pleased to offer an in-house Start up and Maintenance course on Camus boilers and water heaters for contractors and engineers.  The training is led by Grant King, a certified Camus instructor with over 38 years of experience in the industry. The 2-day course consists of a combination of in-class training and hands on application on the Factory floor.  The class setting is flexible, and will touch on topics brought up during the training.  Upon completion of the training, participants will come away with a clearer knowledge of the operation and setup of the equipment and will receive a certificate of completion from CTU. The training will also provide an opportunity to network with other professionals and learn from their best practices. 

Products Covered

  • DynaFlame Watertube Boiler
    • 500 to 6,000 MBH, Natural Gas, Propane and Dual-Fuel
  • Dynaforce Watertube Boiler
    • 300 to 5,000 MBH, Natural Gas, Propane and Dual-Fuel
  • Avenger Firetube Boiler
    • 1,000 to 4,000 MBH, Natural Gas, Propane and Dual-Fuel
    • 5,000 to 6,000 MBH, Natural Gas


Service Technicians having previous experience on Watertube and Firetube boilers

New Training Dates for the fall are coming soon!

Click here to reserve your spot with your local Camus Rep